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Competition Spray Tanning Solutions

Physique and Body Building competitions are on the increase worldwide and salons are finding a greater demand for these types of services

Perhaps you already have clients who compete in Body Building and Physique Competitions?

Physique competitors take great pride in their bodies. Eating lean and working out constantly, they want to do everything that is right for their bodies The discerning competitors are in today’s society are looking for healthy alternatives to the current crop of competition solutions that contain a whole host of nasty chemicals.
SunFX are proud to release their new range of competition formulas, perfect for all aspects of body competition from amateur to professional. 

Choose SunFX ShowDown or SunFX ShowTime for clients looking for that extra dark level of tan!

SunFX Competion Spray Tan Solutions

Contact Us:


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Phone Toll Free in CANADA:  1-855-485-9SPA

Monday - Friday:         9:00am - 4:00pm MST  

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

 by SunFX Canada 2010


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